Sweet Dreams Catcher
Is your little one having trouble sleeping at the moment?
Are they worrying (as we all are) about the virus and their loved ones being safe?
Daydreaming about a sweet, uninterrupted nights sleep for you? Or maybe even a *lie-in*!
Then this might be your answer. Heart Smart Arts very first art packs are live! These are for making DREAM CATCHERS.
What are the benefits?
* Potentially calmer, less stressful bedtimes;
* A symbol of safety and reasurance to relax your children if they wake in the night;
* An opportunity to talk to your child about what dreams or nightmares they might have or any worries which might keep them awake at night (and therefore gain knowledge about how you can better support them);
* A playful opportunity to express their creativity through colour choice, attachments added and where or how they want to place it in their room;
* A fun way to practise fine motor skills (particularly hand and writing muscles) and stregthen muscles in the hands for those who this is tricky;
What's in the pack?
* Your 'How To' guide;
* 4 x coloured wools/yarns;
* 8 x matching feathers;
* 1 x gold metal hoop for the frame.
How does it work?
Dream catchers come from Native American culture.
The story goes that our dreams float about in the air above us whilst we sleep. The dream catcher catches the dreams and the 'bad' dreams get caught in the net but the 'good' dreams are allowed to pass through. They float down the feathers or strands hanging underneath to the dreamer to be experienced.
In the morning when the sunlight shines on the dream catcher the bad dreams are destroyed.
This activity provides a golden opportunity to talk to your kids about their mental health, their sleep and their worries.
There is no age limit for this activity. It is suitable for anyone from 4yo - adult and is designed for children and their adults to do together. Younger children will need more support with making their dream catcher and this is an activity that could be done over a few sessions.
Sweet dreams!